Mining away.

The new mine is here, with updated things. While the generator runs for a while now it's getting a little old and hot. The town can't afford a cooling system to cool the generator. They came up with an idea; every once in a while the generator will pause for 15-30 seconds. This way the town doesn't need to buy many new things for the generator.

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Sit down please.

Finally, you can sit down on stairs. Right click on stairs to sit down. :D Also, we have new plugins for building, and a pet plugin. Put in the reactions what you think of this.

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Police is ready!

Welcome to the police station! This is the place you don't wanna be if your a thief.. We finished the build and it looks amazing! There will be more decoration in the future!

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New logo!

I am happy to announce that we finally have a new logo! It's more sunny than before. Hope you like it!

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Hey there 🖐!

Welcome to MCHUB. In this server you can buy a house, get a store to sell things and other cool stuff! We don't know when we will be ready and can turn off the whitelist. We are trying to invite our friends to become staff. We hope you all are ready to join this server.

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